Saturday, March 30, 2013

Study Time With Kiddos

Study Time with Kiddos! I'm sure, I'll turn into "Angry Bird or Incredible Hulk" when teaching! Especially with my younger one cause he has so many excuses & keep on talking! Hahahaha! Laugh or get angry?! I think I rather Laugh because they will be kids ONLY ONCE in their Life & ONCE In My Life! Then I can look back smiling about these days! Boy I LOVE MY KIDS! MAY ALLAH Grant me Patience and Lots of LOVE towards my kids & family!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Roti Kirai

1kg tepung gamdum (1kg of PLain flour)
3 camca teh garam (3 tsp salt)
3 biji telor (3 eggs-medium size)
air secukupnya (water as required)
1/2 camca teh pewarna kuning (aku pakai Redman brand, liquid form color-Yellow Egg Yolk) / 1/2 tsp of yellow colouring-I use Redman brand, liquid form color Yellow Egg Yolk)
Ayak tepung dgn garam (Sift the flour + salt lah) masuk kan telur. Masukkan air, uli rata, setelah itu, masukkan dlm blender to smooth the mixture. Me letak air agak2 jer, Jangan terlalu pekat atau terlalu cair.. Setelah blend mixture, baru masukkan pewarna kuning. Tapis mixture ni supaya tidak bergentel.
*agak2 air dlm 1000ml gitu.. tapi can be lesser or more a bit.. sorry ah, me masak selalu agak2, tak main sukat2.. hehehehe*

Sift flour and salt. Break eggs and add into flour, mix well. Then pour water bit by bit until the consistency is just nice-not to thick and not to watery. Place mixture into blender. After blend the mixture, add in the colouring. Mix well and make sure you place the mixture over a sieve so that the mixture will not be lumpy.

**I'm so used to make things without measurements, so I don't exactly use measurements. Fell free to ask if you have questions ;) ***

Happy Trying..

Friday, March 01, 2013

Skeleton Art

My Younger boy made this "children" size Skeleton in School!
The Skeleton is so cute! 
I wonder what did his teacher teach about the skeleton..
Tomorrow must ask him what was the skeleton art all about ;)


Points to TAKE NOTE:
It doesn't turn out so nice because I did not wait long. 
Kids just can't wait for it to increase double the sizes. 
So if you are making, let the dough "rest" 
until it double the sizes. Temperature is be 
correct, if not the dough won't increase in it's size. 
Make sure also that the liquids are not too hot as
it will "kill" the yeast.

My Own recipe- Doughnuts- adjusted the way I like it... hehehe

200 g plain flour
100-125 ml liquid (1 egg beaten + warm milk)
1 pkt instant yeast
25 g butter
25 g sugar (fine sugar)

A mixture of castor sugar & cinnamon (cinnamon is optional)

1)     Sift Flour
2)     Add yeast and sugar. Add butter to the liquid mixture.
(make sure it’s only warm NOT HOT). Add to the dough.
3)     Knead the dough, leaving it cover with damp cloth for 15-20mins to double the sizes.
4)     Knead the dough to preferred shapes. Leave for another 10-15 mins. The dough can be fried or bake. If bake(brush beaten egg on the dough). Use oven  180 degrees..

Topping you can use just sugar or any other topping like chocolate or glaze.. Happy Trying ;)

Roti Boyan (Roti Bawean)

Roti Boyan (resipi I adjust sendiri after trying)

 Bahan2 Kulit Roti Boyan:
 1 kg tepung gandum
350 ml air suam
150 ml minyak sayuran/makan
3 sudu minyak sapi
1/2 sudu the garam

Cara buat kulit Roti Boyan:
1) Ayak tepung dgn garam di dalam mangkuk besar.
2) Cairkan minyak sapi & campurkan dengan minyak.
3) Garam dibubuhkan ke dalam air suam.
4) Masukkan minyak ke dalam tepung & gaul rata. Masukkan air campuran garam sedikit
    demi sedikit & uli rata hingga adunan menjadi lembut tapi jangan sampai lembik tau.
5) Kemudian, buat adunan seperti bebola (ikut suka hati berapa besar)
6) Biarkan sekurang-kurangnya 1-2 jam. Bleh buat inti pulak sementara adunan itu naik.

Bahan Inti:
800 g kentang (direbus, di buang kulit & dilecek)
3 biji telur
2-3 biji bawang besar (didadu)
200 g isi ayam (optional – dipotong dadu kecil, digaramkan)
daun sop & daun bawang (ikut suka hati)
1-2 batang chilli (dihiris – optional)
1-2 sudu the serbuk lada putih
1 sudu teh gula
garam secukup rasa

Caranya buat inti:
Gaul rata semua bahan2 di atas hingga sebati.

Cara-cara Membuat Roti Boyan:
Ambil 2 biji bola & canaikan dgn penggiling bingga bulatan menjadi tipis. Ambil adunan inti sedikit
& letakkan dia tengah, letakkan rata. Tekapkan dgn sekeping lagi adunan yg telah di giling tipis. Kelim
tepinya seperti epok-epok.
Setelah semua adunan dibuat seperti itu, goreng hingga keemas-emas.
Roti sedap kalo makan dgn Sambal Tumis Ikan Bilis.

Sambal Tumis Ikan Bilis


Bahan untuk dikisar~
2-3cawan chilli kering (dikisar)
2-3 biji bawang besar (dihiris halus)
sedikit ikan bilis (direndam)
sedikit belacan

Bahan-Bahan Lain:
Sedikit air asam
Garam & gula secukup rasa
Minyak utk menumis
1 cawan ikan bilis (digoreng separuh masak)

Panaskan minyak, tumis bahan2 yg telah dikisar hingga garing. Masukkan air asam, garam & gula. Akhir sekali masukkan ikan bilis yang telah digoreng separuh masak. Kecilkan api & biarkan sekejap sebelum diangkat.Dah siap, dah bleh makan ;)