Thursday, February 28, 2013

Mee Siam Goreng Merah

Recipe Courtesy of My Mother-In-Law

Bahan dikisar
  • Tauchoo (jgn cuci)
  • Bawang putih
  • Bawang besar
  • Chilli kering
  • Udang kering
  • Belacan
Bee Hoon (direndam semalaman)

Bahan2 Lain:
Udang, Fishcake, Daging

** Ikut cita rasa sendiri lah ***

Tumis bahan2 yg telah dikisar hingga garing, masukkan bahan2 lain seperti udang, daging,
fishcake. Kemudian masukkan Bee Hoon yang telah direndam. Gaul rata. Boleh hiasan
dengan telur rebus atau telur dadar goreng yg dihiris. 

Selamat Mencuba ;)

Dendeng Berlado

This recipe was taken from where members of the Forum, share recipe.
I've tried it & it's nice.. So I'm sharing with you guys ;)

½ kg daging lembu – dihiris
Gaul dgn garam, perapkan ½ jam, goring

2 biji bawang besar → dihiris
10 biji lada merah → dikisar
3 biji tomato masak → ditumbuk kasar
Tumis Bawang, masukkan lada, tomato, last daging

Beef Steak

I tried this on my own.. So you guys can try.. ;)

Bahan2 dikisar
  • Bawang putih
  • Bawang besar
  • Halia
  • Cili kering

  • Kicap manis
  • Sos cili
  • Sos tomato
  • Cuka sikit jer
  • Serbuk Kari daging 1 sudu

  • Daun sop
  • Kacang peas
*** Ditumis garing, masukkan air, masukkan daging . Masak hingga kering (ikut suka hati)***

Ayam Masak Barley

Recipe Courtesy of My Mother-In-Law

Bahan2 dikisar
  • Bawang putih
  • Bawang merah
  • Halia
  • Lada kering

  • Gula
  • Cuka
  • Kicap manis
  • Garam
  • Ajinomoto
Tumis Bahan2 yg dikisar hingga garing. Masukkan Ayam yg telah dicuci bersih. 
Masukkan air, gula, cuka, Kicap Manis, Garam & Ajinomoto... 
Masak hingga mendidih dan ayam masak...

Selamat Mencuba

Lemak Chilli Padi

Recipe Courtesy of My Mother-In-Law

Bahan2 dikisar
  • Lada padi
  • Bawang merah
  • Bawang putih
  • Halia → sikit je
  • Belacan
  • Kunyit hidup

  • Serai-dititik
  • Asam keeping
  • Santan
** Tumis serai dulu sampai naik bau, baru tumis bahan2 kisar

Itik Masak Kicap

Recipe Courtesy of My Grandmother-In-Law (Hajjah Halijah)

Bahan2 dikisar
  • Halia →lebih
  • Bawang putih
  • Bawang besar
  • Lada kering (sikit)

  • Kicap
  • Cuka
* bila itik dah empuk, baru masuk kicap & cuka

Selamat Mencuba ;)

Rendang Gula Melaka

Recipe from My Mother-In-Law

Bahan2 dikisar
  • Bawang besar
  • Bawang putih
  • Kunyit hidup
  • Serai hiris
  • Langkuas (sikit je)
  • Lada padi
  • Kelapa kerisik

  • Tetelan → dihiris
  • Santan
  • Daun kunyit
  • Daun limau
  • 1 buku gula melaka
  • Garam
  • Ajinomoto
  • Gula

Serondeng Daging Mak

Recipe courtesy of MY MUM!

Bahan2 - dikisar
  • 2 sudu ketumbah biji
  • Jintan Halus & Jintan Kasar
  • Bawang putih
  • Bawang merah
  • Kunyit
  • Halia
  • Serai
  • Langkuas

  • Daging cincang
  • Daun limau → disiat
  • Air asam jawa
  • Kelapa goring
*Tumis bahan2 kisar & masukkan daging & lain2, Akhir sekali masukkan air asam.

Kuah Lodeh from 3 different role model of mine!

No Pictures taken.. Recipes courtesy of My Mother, My Mother-In-Law & My hubby's Grandma ;)

KUAH LEMAK LODEH (MAK MP -My Mother Patimah Husin)
Bahan2 - dikisar
  • Ketumbah biji ($0.50)
  • Jintan halus (1 tbsp)
  • Jintan kasar (1 tbsp)
  • Kelapa goring
  • Cili kering
  • Kunyit hidup
  • Halia
  • Bawang putih
  • Bawang merah
  • 3 batang serai
  • 3 batang langkuas
  • 3 keping asam
  • belacan

  • udang (basar)
  • santan
  • kacang panjang
  • tahu kering & lain2 bahan
Bahan2 yg dikisar ditumis garing, masukkan udang & santan

KUAH LEMAK LODEH (MAK TP- My Mother-In-Law Aishah Saraip)
Bahan2 dikisar
  • Udang kering
  • Bawang besar
  • Bawang Putih

  • Lada merah → dihiris
  • Tempeh → digoreng
  • Tetelan → direbus & dihiris
  • Kacang Panjang → dihiris & digoreng layu
  • Kentang → dipotong kecil
  • Santan

KUAH LODEH PUTIH – Nek Jah (My Hubby's Grandma)

Bahan2 (Dikisar)
·       Belacan
·       Bawang putih
·       Bawang besar
·       Udang Kering
Tumis bahan kisar. Masukkan tempeh, kentang, tetelan yg direbus (& dihiris), Kacang panjang & Santan.

Satay Goreng

 This recipe is from My Beloved Mother .. Happy Trying..


Satay Goreng:
Ketumbah Biji
Jintan halus
Jintan kasar
Serai ( I usually use 3-4)
Langkuas (sikit jer, half ibu jari, sebab nanti pahit kalo banyak)
Halia (pun sikit jer, sama besar dgn langkuas)
bawang besar
bawang putih
kunyit hidup ( pun sikit jer, hald ibu jari gitu)
Gula Melaka atau gula pasir pun bleh
Semua bahan2 di blender, senang jer..
Setelah belnder semua, perap dgn isi ayam/daging @ least 3 jam, kalo nak sedap, 
perap untuk 1 hari 
** bahan2 yg blender tu, tinggal kan 1/4, yg lain untuk diperap..
yg 1/4 tu, tumis garing, then masukkan bahan yg telah diperap, masukkan air, masak sampai kering **

Kuah Satay:
lada kering
bawang putih
bawang besar
jintan halus
jintas kasar
2 batang serai
langkuas (sikit aje)
halia (sikit jer)
kunyit hidup (sikit jer)

Semua bahan2 yg di atas, di blend
Bahan2 lain:
Kacang Tanah - di goreng & ditumbuk (jgn blend, nanti tak sedap)
air asam
garam & gula

Tumis bahan2 yg telah di blend hingga garing, masukkan kacang goreng yg telah di tumbuk. Masukkan air asam, perasa, garam + gula & air sikit. Masak hingga mendidih & kering sikit, jadi kuah pekat 

** You can use meat tenderizer to let the meat softer **

Steamed Nutella Blossom

I have always love this but I was not sure how to do it, 
so I decided to google for the recipes! 

While googling, I come across so many recipes 
but I find this recipe very convenient and very straight forward. 
So I decided to do it today! To my surprise, it turn out nice and Yummy! 
I shared it at my FB wall & quite a number of my friends 
asking for the recipe, so I shared! Sharing is caring.. 

You can try this too. Recipe is taken from this blogger 

  Here is the recipe again for your convenient :

3 eggs
170g castor sugar
3 tsp baking powder
275g cake flour
1 tsp ovalette
140g Coconut Cream ( I use 1 packet Santan Kara (the small packet)
2 or more colors ( I use Redman brand sebab the colors are nicer)
 Beat all ingredients @high speed. 
Divide into few portions depending how many colors you want. 
Add in batter in mould, add fillings & cover again with batter. 
Steam for 15mins or till cook.
Happy Trying ;)

28th February 2013

Welcoming my New Blog yet again

Hi All,
I have not been active in my blog for a very Long Time! 
Since I love cooking, baking & eating, a friend of mine, 
"Hayarti Saleh" has request me to start blogging again.. 
The reason is to share my recipes to all fellow friends. 
Recipes are from everywhere.. I love cooking and eating! 

I'm a very choosy person when it comes to food! 
So I hope, with me starting my blog again,
this will benefit most of my friends who read my Blog! 
Feel free to email me ~
if you have recipes to share. 
I will definitely post your recipes with the rest 
and also indicate that YOU are the one that
share this recipe! 

Don't worry I won't take any credit for it! 
I will also share some recipes that I get 
from other website or blog which I have tried 
and I will also indicate which website and blog I get it from ;)
