Friday, March 29, 2013

Roti Kirai

1kg tepung gamdum (1kg of PLain flour)
3 camca teh garam (3 tsp salt)
3 biji telor (3 eggs-medium size)
air secukupnya (water as required)
1/2 camca teh pewarna kuning (aku pakai Redman brand, liquid form color-Yellow Egg Yolk) / 1/2 tsp of yellow colouring-I use Redman brand, liquid form color Yellow Egg Yolk)
Ayak tepung dgn garam (Sift the flour + salt lah) masuk kan telur. Masukkan air, uli rata, setelah itu, masukkan dlm blender to smooth the mixture. Me letak air agak2 jer, Jangan terlalu pekat atau terlalu cair.. Setelah blend mixture, baru masukkan pewarna kuning. Tapis mixture ni supaya tidak bergentel.
*agak2 air dlm 1000ml gitu.. tapi can be lesser or more a bit.. sorry ah, me masak selalu agak2, tak main sukat2.. hehehehe*

Sift flour and salt. Break eggs and add into flour, mix well. Then pour water bit by bit until the consistency is just nice-not to thick and not to watery. Place mixture into blender. After blend the mixture, add in the colouring. Mix well and make sure you place the mixture over a sieve so that the mixture will not be lumpy.

**I'm so used to make things without measurements, so I don't exactly use measurements. Fell free to ask if you have questions ;) ***

Happy Trying..

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