Friday, March 01, 2013


Points to TAKE NOTE:
It doesn't turn out so nice because I did not wait long. 
Kids just can't wait for it to increase double the sizes. 
So if you are making, let the dough "rest" 
until it double the sizes. Temperature is be 
correct, if not the dough won't increase in it's size. 
Make sure also that the liquids are not too hot as
it will "kill" the yeast.

My Own recipe- Doughnuts- adjusted the way I like it... hehehe

200 g plain flour
100-125 ml liquid (1 egg beaten + warm milk)
1 pkt instant yeast
25 g butter
25 g sugar (fine sugar)

A mixture of castor sugar & cinnamon (cinnamon is optional)

1)     Sift Flour
2)     Add yeast and sugar. Add butter to the liquid mixture.
(make sure it’s only warm NOT HOT). Add to the dough.
3)     Knead the dough, leaving it cover with damp cloth for 15-20mins to double the sizes.
4)     Knead the dough to preferred shapes. Leave for another 10-15 mins. The dough can be fried or bake. If bake(brush beaten egg on the dough). Use oven  180 degrees..

Topping you can use just sugar or any other topping like chocolate or glaze.. Happy Trying ;)

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